The biggest hurdle…
I always thought that I would wait until I had life figured out and “together” to share myself with the world. I mean sure, I post fashion and travel photos and spread positivity and humor on my social media platforms which is definitely who I am, but I have always struggled with vulnerability. I felt like your life had to be close to perfect and at least 75% together in order to feel comfortable enough to put myself out there. The reality is (and I emphasize “reality” since today it can be subjective), your life can be 99% together today and tomorrow it can be flipped upside down.
When people say, “I’m a private person.” I think that automatically sends a sensory trigger in the receiver indicating that one may have something to hide or that there is a level of discretion that one is referring to. While i see nothing wrong with being a “private person”, that is not what I claim to be. I am a selective person and here is why:

I now understand what it means to create and be responsible for my own happiness. I also understand what compromising your peace will really do to you both physically and mentally. It took a pandemic for me to totally get the importance of boundaries and who to set them with (that would be everyone). So, with that, there is no better time like the present to start my blog, level up as a digital creator and to help other people in their journey. The last two years of my life have been a complete and total reveal of how a plan that you have for your life can flip upside down and how literally no one in your life can help you fix it. No matter how much they love you or want to help you, they can’t. And while that got extremely frustrating for me, I actually empathized with them because I know they wanted to help me. Today (which is why I am up at 3:00AM writing this, I am ready and recovered from what I once referred to in my mind as “The Great Sh*t Show”. It is clear to me that I had to go through the mess to bring the message.
Can you relate?
So here is what you can expect to see here and on my other platforms… I am a Stylist who has recently (about two years ago) taken an interest in sustainable style. What does that mean you ask? Well, I am more interested in teaching my clients to buy what they love, wear what they have and up-cycle when its time to move on. I believe this is the relationship that you should have with your closet. So I plan to share fashion trends that go the distance, how to purchase and care for your investment pieces (apparel, accessories, etc.), how to style those pieces and how to covet said wardrobe.
I want to share my journey as an entrepreneur. I know that social media makes it look easy and glamourous at times and I am sure that you are smart enough to know that it’s not, but I would definitely like to be an advocate for taking care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally during the process. Self-care started trending a few years ago and it was all anyone would talk about, but were people actually doing it? While it is a very individualized effort, I will be sharing some things that I do to achieve this in my life and hopefully I can help someone.
Last but not limited to, of course I want to share my travel experiences because I truly believe in destination therapy. Your environment is a big factor in so many things in your life from mental health to success at work to forming and developing your mindset. Having cultural experiences, meeting new people, exploring physical challenges in nature and of course shopping in different cities and countries are just a few of the travel related content that I would like to share.
The Dee Word
I plan to officially close out my blogs with “a word”. So there you have it. It is now after 5:00AM and I am officially an Editor in Chief of my own blog. And just for the record, this was on my vision board and bucket list so let me give you a visual, I’m sitting in bed with leopard print pajamas on feeling so full in my spirit. I have never been a person who waits on a sign I pray, speak it, ask for the universe to deliver and work my butt off in the process. So I will leave you with this:
If it’s keeping you up at night it’s on your heart for a reason, stop ignoring it.
If you’re wondering when a good time to start would be, that would be today.
If you think you don’t have a place in a seemingly oversaturated market, change your mindset.
And if you’re looking for your tribe like I am, subscribe to this blog and let’s support each other.
Until the next time.. XOXO Dee